Os alunos do 7o. A e do 7o.B ficaram loucos!!!
Obrigado, alunos de Birmingham!!
Confira as fotos!
Great news! On May 05th a parcel full of letters and gifts from Birmingham (England) arrived at our school.
Students from 7th A and 7th B got crazy about it!
Thank you, students from Birmingham!!
Check out the photos!
Hi All, Great to see all your entries on the Blog. We were delighted to be able to video conference with you last Tuesday and look forward to the next one. All Small Heath pupils are also delighted that the parcel finally arrived.
ResponderExcluirWe are in the process of looking at how to communicate with you through Blogs and emails but as yet we have not come up with a satisfactory answer but we will keep trying.
With best wishes to you all.
Mary Kuczynski